
Our Beautiful Planet: The Superpowers of Seaweed

Our Beautiful Planet is a series of compelling 5-to-7-minute science films highlighting the cutting edge research that climate scientists are doing to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues.

The Climate Initiative, the National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA) and Kikim Media have partnered to launch these films and this collection of classroom-ready lesson plans and community activity and discussion guides that highlight the science and engineering practices scientists use to explain the phenomena of climate.

About the film: The Superpowers of Seaweed

In Maine, marine biologists investigate a way to protect shellfish from the damage caused by one of the lesser-known consequences of climate change: the rising level of carbon dioxide in the ocean. CO2 makes seawater more acidic and that damages shells. Their experiment: raising mussels in close proximity to seaweed, which takes CO2 out of ocean water.

NSTA Lesson Plan: How Can Growing Seaweed Help Mussels?
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Grade Level: Middle and High School Levels | Time: Two (2) 45-minute class periods

TCI & Kikim Media Community Activity & Discussion Guide: Turn this film into a conversation!
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Age Level: Bring all ages together for a community discussion